Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Date Night" drawings

Sometimes my girlfriend and I go out to a bar to draw (Yes, we are those people.) and a beautiful piece of art is created that expresses our feeling for each other. Apparently my girlfriend thinks love is gay, or maybe just me.

Monday, November 22, 2010

"Brain Man"

Apparently Brain Man also has a Brain Boob. Brrraaaiiiiinnnnnnn Mmmmaaaaaaannnnn!!!

One of those times...

...when you just start drawing with no real plan of what it will end up looking like. Inevitably it goes to a place that makes you mildly uncomfortable.  

Monday, November 8, 2010


Why do all the women I draw look pissed off?
 Next Question...
Who's got two thumbs and a few issues to resolve?!


The drawing on the left is a fairly accurate depiction of what I do in my day to day life. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Devil drawing #666

Another devil drawing... I know I need to come up with new things to draw, OK. I'm sure you are tired of looking at multiple drawings of relatively the same thing. If you have any suggestions for new themes you'd like me to exhaust, please let me know.

I think this is funny.

Ok, I think it's creepy too. Notice the "Beer x 6" on the right.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I really liked the way this piece turned out so I just left it by itself on the page. Didn't think it would be fair to surround it with neurotic half-drunk doodlings.

Beach and Squirrel themed

Sometimes I'm just not sure what I'm drawing at first and things go wrong... So I end up with a girl with a wonky block thing around her neck surrounded by squirrel-cats and goofy looking sea creatures.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Graff Cats!

In case you haven't noticed I've been trying to draw more outlines of graffiti pieces. Not cuz I plan on going painting anytime soon, but more out of guilt for not really wanting to go paint anymore. I also started developing this Cat-Dog creature for some reason. Notice me on the left looking confused.


Not sure what to say about this one other than please ignore the crappy drawing of "Ghost" at the bottom.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Self Portrait?

I guess this is sort of a self portrait of me in what looks like a letterman's jacket and daisy dukes.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

collage 003

I always try and date the first page of a new notebook. That way I can get depressed when I realize that it's taken me 6 months to fill up one book. Balls. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Collage 002

That's me as a child with bad-ass demon hands. Ignore the graffiti piece.


I know. I can't draw horses very well.


Sort of a self-portrait I guess.

Collage 001

This is one of my trademark booze inspired collage drawings.
Keep an eye out for these reoccurring themes: self portraits, sloppy graffiti pieces, stars, arrows, cute monsters, word balloons that make fun of what I draw, and tits. 


I'm sure this will be one of many Demon drawings that will get posted on this blog.
This is a typical drawing I do after a couple beers.


At least I didn't give it a dick.

E.T. 2: Dark Territory Concept Sketches

Elliot was originally going to still be a little kid, but we quickly realized that was probably highly illegal.